Eastern United States

Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia





A Connecticut native playing around in Hawaii...*S*

Oh the way...could you send back that tape I "loaned" you?..*L*..(then I'll take this message off here..haha)






My buddy I first met on PowWow and now talk to on ICQ..very computer knowledgeable..*G*..

can you tell he loves guns?? Must be a holdover from his Navy years...*L*.




---DragonLance - My Dragon Uncle from PaddyNet...a really sweet guy that I chat with occasionally when he can take time off from hunting vampires..*G*


New York


---Shadowdawn- a possible relative!!!!... I met this guy in ICQ while searching for people that could be related to me...or who just had the same last name...he's a really great guy and I'm glad to have found a friend like him...*S*







One of my very dear friends, he is an ultra-moral, loving and idealistic kind of man. He is an avid Civil War buff, having been in several re-enactments, even a few movies and PBS documentaries, besides being a real cutie and lots of fun (and challenging) to talk to... *S*



One of the most knowledgeable "computer ladies" I know...she has been a good friend and gives those Paddy Porters hell..*LOL*...her homepage is truly beautiful...






Any Man Of Mine
~Shania Twain~